mardi 27 mai 2014

Heater definition

Heater definition , any of various apparatus for heating , especially for heating water or the air in a room. An apparatus that heats or provides heat. One who heats something or tends a heating apparatus.

Definition of heater in the Definitions. Information and translations of heater in the most comprehensive. A low-growing Eurasian shrub (Calluna vulgaris) in the heath family, growing in dense masses and having small evergreen leaves and.

The device prevents the air conditioning, electric water heater and other large devices like pool pumps from running concurrently, limiting demand fees for those. Forums pour discuter de heather , voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. Soumettre une définition : Toutes les définitions du dictionnaire urbain sont ajoutées par les lecteurs.

Heather definition : Heather is a low, spreading plant with small purple , pink , or white flowers. A device that produces and radiates heat, typically to raise the temperature of a room or building. This Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of heater is. Le kérosène est un carburant utilisé dans l’aviation pour alimenter les turboréacteurs et les turbopropulseurs.

Il porte également le nom de jetfuel ou de.

A storage water heater , or a hot water system (HWS), is a domestic water heating appliance that uses a hot water storage tank to maximize heating capacity and provide. Get the dictionary definition of heather , as well as the word type and other useful information and stats. Ceramic heater definition It has the advantages of long life, good thermal insulation performance, strong mechanical.

Heating definition : Heating is the process of heating a building or room , considered especially from the. Assurément, elle est sérieuse et profonde, mais. Fan : définition , synonymes, citations, traduction dans le dictionnaire de la langue française. Définition : Admirateur zélé d’une célébrité. Dictionnaire, définitions, section_expression, conjugaison.

Go here for a list of related terms and their definitions. Synonyms for heater at Thesaurus. Find descriptive alternatives for heater.

Needless to say, once the engine is already warm, getting the inside of the car up. Standards for Residential Water Heaters. The following content summarizes the energy factor requirements for residential water heaters. The text is not an official.

Electric heating is a process in which electrical energy is converted to heat. Common applications include space heating , cooking, water heating and industrial processes.

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